Not going out
Gosh what a dreich day, when will it let up? And worse is forecast for the weekend.
Food shopping this morning and several chance conversations including one with our delightful Postman. He said that on Monday he posted a good many of the NHS vaccination invites but since then only one, to an address on Dumbreck Road. Perhaps tomorrow for R and our neighbours below us.
I also know now that nuthatches are widespread. They certainly didn’t used to be, I am trying not to let it dampen my excitement of seeing one for the first time. There is even one on the Garden Birds tea towel which I only noticed yesterday.
It is indicative of the times that we have taken to watching Breaking Bad for the second time. It is just as addictive the second time around and still the best example of descent into moral depravity that I have ever come across. Very satisfying.
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