Another wet day

The rain was relentless all night and morning. The leak was relentless on the wall, a piece of the coving fell sodden to the floor. Drastic measures were needed and I crawled my way along joists in the loft to try and locate the source! Everywhere is wet and it’s difficult to see exactly where it was coming in, but I could see water dripping from the length of a rafter, so have placed some plastic sheeting with towels on the top to at least try and stop it coming down the wall! M A will do the job as soon as we get some dry weather.

A wet walk with Dog, I’ve no idea what the two men were looking at on the beach, and didn’t wait to find out. 

Attended my first webinar on learning under lockdown. It was interesting, but about museums rather than heritage attractions. I did pick up a couple of tips though.

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