
By ayearinthelife

Life Thru a Lens

Nothing is what it seems any more in this house. Various strange food items have been bought from the supermarket. We also have several out of date items lurking in the back of the fridge. I was asked to saw up some laminate flooring samples. An unwanted Xmas present of a pair of chopping boards has been moved out of the car boot sale pile, unwrapped and brought into the house.
I ventured into the kitchen this afternoon, to see all these items spread across the work surface and naturally enquired as to what delicacy was being prepared for tea.
Firstly I was informed this was no longer a kitchen - it was a makeshift photography studio. Secondly, none of the food had been purchased to be eaten - it had all been purchased/kept past its sell by date in order that it could be photographed in an imaginative way for Mrs C’s camera club homework. The particular scene I photographed was cherries dropped into fizzy lemonade. These were followed by lemon slices and pomegranate seeds. All set against a backdrop of two wooden chopping boards - but it could just have easily been various laminate flooring offcuts, used in the same way.
Later on, I saw bowls of out of date yoghurt and fruit, croissants drizzled with honey and sundry other objects all being photographed in front of various different backgrounds.
So what have I learnt from all this? Well, I now know that taking photos of food and drink is not the straightforward process I assumed it was. And I am only eating things from the fridge that are in date, unopened and originally purchased by me!

(I did actually have a go at taking a few close up photos of things floating in fizzy lemonade myself. It’s quite fascinating what results you can get - I’ll maybe post one as tomorrow’s blip if nothing else presents itself)

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