
Sunny afternoon so I decided to snap Kiri having a mooch round the garden. That's as far as she goes these days, she's still very weak on her hindlegs, I don't think they will improve, but at 14 + she seems quite happy and has adapted. Have added an extra of her, I can see her slight tilt, but if you didn't know, I don't think it's that noticeable.

Have decided if I ever want a chat with anyone all I need to do is wander up to the garden centre and the greengrocers stall! Met 5 friends on my short journey, took me over an hour! J thought I'd got lost.

Had a good phone chat with Carol (carolbutterfly) this afternoon, and immediately after another phone chat with another Carole! Camera club tonight, so all in all a pretty good day.

Emmeline having to self isolate as someone at her nursery has tested positive for Covid, she had a temperature on Sunday so Hayley had her tested yesterday, came back negative which is good news.

Sad to hear Captain Sir Tom Moore has died. What an amazing last year of his life he had. He will be remembered fondly by us all, what an inspirational man he was.

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