My street looked very mysterious and ominous first thing in the morning. luckily, only the good things followed.
I had an interesting exchange with my friend Phyllis. We were talking about the Perfect Jobs. She said one should never mourn a job they lost, because it was never theirs in the first place. She meant that if someone gave it to me, and had the power to take it away, then it wasn't mine. Furthermore, Phyllis said, one should never wrap their identify into their job. Jobs come and go, one's skills, experience, and wisdom remains. I am not my job; I do my job. A very typical confusion in America, she claims, one with which a lot of her clients struggle (she is a therapist). Cemented, no doubt, by the fact that the usual first question people ask each other when they first meet is "what do you do", not "who are you".
Interesting, huh?
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