Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Don't Fence Me In!

A big thaw today. It's actually quite mild, though very dull. 

Singing this morning with the enthusiastic Debbie. She's very kind to us, lets us do our warm-ups sitting down, I think she thinks we might keel over if we do them standing up. This morning she asked if we'd had our vaccinations yet - no-one has!

After lunch, TM got on with prepping the shower room for a coat of paint. For a tiny room it takes a lot of sanding down! I fell asleep .... I was awake half the night for no reason, just not sleepy - and then I started reading, Girl, by Edna O'Brien. Not a good choice for the middle of the night, it's the stuff of nightmares. Very powerful writing.

I woke up woozy and went up the hill for a walk. Not much to see, not even some soggy sheep. Hence the shot of a drippy fence.  

Now for more Celtic music. What will we do with our evenings when the festival ends??  Might have to think about a Netflix subscription :-)

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