Getting ready for lunch

I snapped this little tinker as I was getting ready for lunch.  He was sat on the work-top stealing bread (left to his own devices he'll chomp away on half a loaf of bread before lunch).  

We've had a great day.  Wednesdays are our 'funny' day because it's a day of 'fun' lessons - Science, French, PE.  It's nice to have a break from 'now do your spellings'.  We somehow fitted in quite a bit this morning, we did do sounds, then had a brilliant French lesson (it was such fun!), and then the day kind of went south in terms of school lessons.  I spoke to a colleague from one of my jobs for over an hour (mostly a social call, with a snippet of work, great to catch-up with him), then I had a few other things to sort out.  The boys played playmobil the whole time and I didn't hear a peep out of them. 

They refused to come out for a walk this afternoon and I eventually left them, still playing and was very worried I'd get back to find them arguing and a harangued husband trying to work and keep the peace.  They completly proved me wrong, and aside from a break for biscuits and crisps (!!) with the husband, they had played by themselves the whole hour I was gone! Maybe it was the threat that Daddy would be very angry with Mummy if they argued, because I told Daddy they would be good that sealed the deal. No idea, but it was great. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Assignment handed in!  One down, one to go (bored of them now) 
Happy children who have played so well - not a single argument all day 
Time by myself to go out with the puppy. 

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