Rush hour

I went to visit my sister Tami today. My mom and my sister Robyn also joined us. We had a nice lunch, colored each other's hair and then went for manicures. My sister lives about forty minutes south of me and depending on when I head home I could hit a bit of traffic.
I took this photo while stopped at the traffic light and it's the intersection right in the center of my town, the Main Street as it is so appropriately called. Today the traffic wasn't bad. Still, it's always nice to see this intersection and know I'm almost home.
I will say that New Jersey has more than it's fair share of traffic! Central Jersey, where I live, is so congested with traffic during rush hour (which actually lasts from 4 p.m. thru 7 p.m.) that you'd be better off walking! There is no rushing anywhere during those times. There was a survey done not too long ago that claims Washinton D.C. to have the worst traffic in the country and having driven thru that area during the peak traffic times I would have to agree.
As long as I'm not late for an appointment it doesn't really bother me too much to sit in traffic...that is helped by having a satellite makes everything better!!

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