No snow but a wonderful sunset

Cold but no wind. Frost soon melted. The distant hills were white but no snow by us.  Wrapped up and went up to A House as we thought the local walks would be busy. ( they were judging by the number of people who walked past our house)

It was quiet at AH . Some of the grass was white from the hail which fell yesterday and a bit like snow to walk on. A good stroll . 

Called at 'baby Tesco ' on the way home  to justify having the car out. 

The sun came out so decided to take Fletch for another walk  to Cavendish Dock( he slept a lot yesterday and as a result wanted to go out in  the garden at 2 am.. and then 3 am yawn! Hopefully he will sleep tonight! )

The water was like glass and silvery blue and the sunset was glorious. I'd only got my phone camera and it kept switching itself off just at the crucial time..perhaps it was too cold for it at 2 degrees. But I managed a couple ( see extra)  There were quite a lot of people walking up there tonight, taking advantage of a lovely evening. 

So peaceful and relaxing. Just what I needed

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