Lockdown 3 Day 20

at 6am both tinkers were awake asking if it had snowed.
Sent back to bed
At 7am there were loud shouts of ITS SNOWED!!!!

By 8am we were outside playing in it - so calm and quiet.
We started to walk Scamp but the tinkers wanted to play so we headed home to play in the snow whilst Daddy walked Scamp.

I took them sledging when Daddy got back with Scamp - such fun - they loved it - plastic gloves over their gloves was amazing!

Home for soup for lunch

Afternoon of the tinkers playing, me watching the Crown and general calm.

We all went for a Scamp walk this pm - stunning scenes.More sledging

Wom was beyond tired this pm,he asked to go to bed at 7pm

My school is closed tomorrow - currently the tinkers are in! we shall see

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