Life's tangled skein

By atp

2015-11-11 (Day 315) Falkirk Wheel On Armistice D

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

(The Fallen by Robert Laurence Binyon)

The (rearward part of The) Falkirk Wheel was this evening illuminated in red to mark Armistice Day. When I went out to it this evening I learned a few things:

- I learned that the canal tow path is very dark. Given that this is a canal tow path, that is not necessarily good for folk wandering around to take a photo

- I learned that the bridge over to the visitor centre area is retracted in the evenings

- I learned that there is at least one group of boy racers driving around in a small car that seems to be lacking a silencer

- I learned it was cold and windy

But, hey, I got the picture!

And to those of our forces who have given so much over the years, all I can say is:

Thank you.

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