
By Munni


I cooked for my mother this morning, while it snowed outside. Snow in the valley means lots more snow in the hills, where she lives. So I went to her house earlier than usual, to dig her out. 

The main blip is a view into her neighbours' gardens. In the first extra you can see the sight that greeted me when I opened the gate to her own garden. At the end of that driveway is her garage, the house is hidden by shrubs on the right. Everything was buried under 20 cm of wet snow, so heavy that some of the trees and shrubs have bowed down all the way to the ground.

It took me 30 minutes to shovel a path from the gate to her house. 

My second task for today was to install a new cordless phone in her house; the previous one seems to have disappeared from this universe.

Then I realized that her internet router had lost its connection to the internet and the usual "switch everything off and on again" method didn't help. So I used my mobile for some lengthy phonecalls to her provider and we finally got the router connected again and the new phone installed.

That left us just enough daylight time for a short walk in winter wonderland (second extra).

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