Weeds rule!

My daily exercise of late consists of a shuffle round the local cemetery - I long to go for an amble round the local woods but it is a sea of mud and walking in my wellies aggravates my bad knee! 
Luckily the cemetery is quite large, and always has something interesting in it to photograph.
I was rather taken with this container on one of the graves, where the plant once growing in it has been replaced by a rather lovely red dead nettle plant - I think I quite like the newer version!
The cemetery is slowly coming to life in lots of ways now, with snowdrops out in numerous places (see extra 1) - they always look good with the sun behind them adding illumination to the nodding white flowers and green stems. I also find old gravestones fascinating, and today I found a really interesting one (see extra2) it was a cross with a hand with one finger pointing upwards towards God (or heaven) very unusual I think.

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