Oooohhh - arrrrrr

The husband did a great job looking after the boys today.  This morning they made a pirate ship from the sofa cushions and a pirate flag from a bin bag.  He took them out this afternoon for a supper long walk. 

On the plus side, the assignment is all but complete and I have 13 miles left of the running challenge! 

New slippers arrived today for the boys - they are SO excited about them!  The appreciation of small things is just so delightful.  The youngest went to sleep in his, the eldest has his neatly next to his bed ready for the morning.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
The husband who steps up at the weekend to give me a break, let me get on with the masters and running challenge. 
The pure joy of new slippers
Assignment cracked - two weeks to crack the next one (it's been started - phew!) 

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