
By ThisOldHouse

Back in the garden

Today's weather was a repeat of yesterday's though, perhaps, with a little more of a breeze. Even so, it reached 7C and felt pleasantly warm in the sun. There was a full moon last night, with perfect visibility - was tempted to try to capture it - perhaps next time. A neighbour came round just after lunch and was given a tour of the field for the first time - she was surprised and delighted by it and could see its 'potential'!

Despite the pull of the field, the rest of the garden also needed attention. So, there were roses to cut back and still plenty of last year's dead growth to clear out. So much so, that today's blip was almost forgotten! The sun was getting low in the sky by the time we remembered. So, a glimpse of the front of ThisOldHouse through trees will have to suffice.

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