Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

An early rise for me - Archie’s vet student is an early riser, so he has to be ready to go at 9am. I took him round the block - icy in parts, but if I kept in at the edge of the pavement where the hedge was, it was OK, but very slow. Fortunately he did his business sharpish, so we weren’t out for long.

Archie and S went to the Hermitage, which was fine, but the roads/pavements getting there were still icy. Funny - there was no ice where she lives, so she was surprised when she got here. But she’s keen. Lucky Archie.

JR went off to collect the supermarket shopping (we do like this service) and I bathed Archie when he came back, then we both wrapped up on the sofa and I listened to my book.

Hazel (our bubble) came over in the evening, we wanted to help her celebrate retirement! It seems to have come all of a sudden. What a shame she can’t jet off somewhere warm to celebrate in style. And probably no chance at all in 2021 either.

Enjoying ‘Lupin’ on Netflix. But why oh why do they go to the bother (and surely, expense) of dubbing American accents on a series set in Paris? With English subtitles. 

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