Snapshot family world

By Lightchaser12

Talk to your daughter

This morning had a videocall with myu 2nd daughter Hannah. She is living in Bristol and temporarily working for a dutch bank compagny. From Fevrier last year she is doing homework. She said it is adrag that i can t meet my colleagues. Situation in Uk ain t that good and missing those necessary contacts , it is a drag. Luckily she s having a boyfriend and one of her sisters is living nearby. We haven t met in almost 2 years. So let s cross fingers situation gets better after summer so we can meet again and hug eachother like we ve never done beforeIn the afternoon i did a long walk with a disabled lady in a wheelchair. Every 2 or 3 weeks i take her out for a walk. She is not able to walk and needs crutches. It was some time ago we ve met the last time due to corona outbreak in our care center and the bad weather. It was awonderfull lovely day with spring in the air. She enjoyed it a lot and so did i.I addded the 2nd pic taken when i  drove home. It was like a gift from nature and a sign that i had a perfect day a day of fulfilment.

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