Long, Wet & Cold

Trying to get into the habit of walking at least every other day in order to exercise, get some fresh air and break the monotony.

Today’s walk took us down the hill into Falmouth but then up the hill on the other side in order to come down into town through the High Street. It rained, that rain that is fine and driven by the wind so that it feels as though you are walking through water.
Deserted streets, empty take away coffee shops, hardly a soul out and about, I’d like to think that people have seen the news regarding the dramatic rise in the infection rate in Cornwall but it’s probably more to do with the weather.
Elsewhere it’s been announced that the G7 summit will be coming to Cornwall, it seems to be generating some excitement, should be fun watching Joe Biden’s presidential limousine trying to navigate the lanes around St Ives.

Today’s Blip Foto was taken in the Old Brewers Yard just off the High Street. The Chintz Bar was a newly opened enterprise just as Covid broke. Would be good to see it up and running when Covid is over.

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