
I guess we are all feeling the effects of lockdown in our own way.
The government has put this lockdown in place until March 31, with the phrase; “we hope to be in a position to ease lockdown in April” a telling comment on the months that lie ahead. At the same time the ‘R’ rate is expected to come down and maybe slow the infection rate.
As a ‘gentleman of a certain age’ I’m content to read, listen to music, walk and potter in my shed but for youngsters this is a tough time, nowhere to go and nothing to do. We are growing a generation of internet reliant young people. Some are having their expectations stoked that things like sport, the cinema etc will return in mid February which makes the let down harder.

Today’s Blip Foto is of one of those things I see often when out walking but don’t really take any notice of. A gate to nowhere, it’s by the side of a railway bridge so I guess it originally gave access to the tracks. Now rusted solid it’s rarely, if ever, used.

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