Tuesday: Gnarled

Most of the day was wonderfully sunny.  It clouded over this afternoon but still no rain which was good.  During my walk, I passed through a back alley - I’ve long been fascinated by this gnarly branch that grows so enthusiastically on the fence.  No idea what’s on the other side.

Last night I finally finished the history of the Vietnam War I’ve been reading for some time.  It’s taken me as long to read as the war lasted.

I know, or hope, that there’s light at the of the tunnel but I’m so done with sitting in front of the computer all day, every day, be it typing, having meetings etc. Everything  I need to liaise with my team on takes ages as you can’t just swing by their office and sort something out in person in two minutes.  I seem to end every day with a headache due to the amount of screen time.  I am really fed up with it now.  Thank you - got that off my chest.

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