Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A " guess what "...

...close up from me today...
A day spent diddling and fiddling - this might help you decide what it is...

Another sociable day - the usual crossword with the Portinscale Posse, the Escapees this aft and looking forward to a catch up with my niece in Queensland later on. 
The Swedish Escapee has just had a positive Covid test and is isolating at home - at the moment she is feeling OK, so fingers crossed that she stays well, and her family don't pick it up. 

CORONA CLASSICSCan't Take My Eyes Off You - Singapore Chinese Orchestra is Dolly's choice this evening.
This one from Jeano inspired me to look for some Northumbrian pipe music for later in the week too Must hear!! Davy Spillane - Caoineadh Cu Chulainn Uilleann Pipes.flv

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