Mr R's birthday

Today is Mr R's birthday.
The Wildlings wanted to wake him at 6 . I let him sleep until 9 before I sent them upstairs with balloons and a couple of wildling gift's. He got the rest when he came downstairs.
And his chosen breakfast was a fry up. We've not had one of those together for a couple of years.

He got two birthday cakes. Can't go wrong with a caterpillar cake .

We've had a good day together. I managed to get some time to myself and paint . So that was a bonus. I need to start my comission this week too. So hopefully I'll get time to do that.

Tomorrow we are back to school work, I will attempt what his teacher has sent. If not then I have my thinking cap on. We're so lucky that he's in a great school who totally get him. And allow me to do what I can. We will be doing some french so I'm going to make that into a game .

Hope it's been a lovely weekend for you all.

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