Bealey Bridge

Last night when I went to bed around midnight it was still really hot so I left the windows and roof vents open on the van.  At 5 am when I woke it was because the torrential rain was hitting my face from the roof vent - and washing in every window!

And it continued to rain!  By 10am I figured that I wasn't doing anything on the West Coast today so I might as well head over the mountains to the East Coast.  When I stopped in Arthurs Pass for a coffee it was still hosing down, but by the time I came out of the cafe the rain had moved off.  By the time I got to the Bealey Bridge it was a beautiful day.

I was also relieved to see, as I came through the pouring rain in Otira, that Gollum is still alive and well - but he's dropped that ring again!  (See extra)

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