Dull Over Vidlin

Gales have been blowing all day, and rained all morning, and into the afternoon.  It finally stopped late on, and a dry evening. 

Up early, and headed out after breakfast.  The rest of the day was spent cleaning, and also redecorating the spare room.  Mam and dad popped by for a walk before tea, and poor Sammy got a bit of glass stuck in his paw, thankfully no damage done.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by for a chat in the garden.  Working in the shop this evening.  More walkies, and then feet up for the night.  No new Coronavirus cases in Shetland today.

It wasn't much of a day to do anything, but I headed out this morning to help peerie Brian fetch scallops.  Me and Sammy tried a walk too, and we got soaked, more so when Sammy sat on my lap heading home.  If it had been normal times, I could have popped by cousin Leona, or Caroline for a cuppa!  Missing things like that, even more so when the weather is poor.  A dull shot, looking over the Vidlin Harbour.  

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