All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Not Kids AM!

We decided as a wee treat to take Ethan on his first trip to the cinema today. As we weren't sure how well he'd sit through a whole film, the plan was to go to Kids AM as the tickets are much cheaper than usual. I hadn't realised how busy it would be though and unfortunately the lady in front of me in the queue bought the last tickets!

Ethan had been so excited when we told him we were going to the cinema I felt bad about letting him down. So, I ended up buying full price tickets to Wreck it Ralph. Ethan was dead chuffed to be sitting in the big seat with his box of popcorn and happily watched the trailers. He did keep asking "when are the real people coming out mummy" though ... I think he thought it was like the theatre! There was then a mini film which he loved and he said at the end of it "I like it here"! So far so good but all the trailers etc had taken a long time so by the time the film started we'd already been sitting there ages. To be fair, he lasted better than I thought he would especially as none of us were particuarly taken with the film! He had 3 trips to the loo which I think were excuses to run around and made it to 5 minutes before then end, when hubbie gave up and took him outside to play on the ride ons!

We then had lunch at Pizza Hut but I think he'd been sitting down too long already that morning and he was just desperate to run around.

Back home and he had a sleep before we headed over to the Foreveryoung house for dinner and Ethan's weekly sleepover with them.

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