All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cuddles with Tramp

I walked Eden to her gymnastics class this morning. It's lovely to get out and about with the pushchair - I miss doing it now Ethan doesn't really have a need to be in his any more! Hubbie then drove up with Ethan when it was time for his class and I walked Eden back home.

After lunch Eden had a nap but Ethan insisted he didn't want one. However by mid afternoon he was wilting, as was hubbie, and they both ended up falling asleep in our bed. Hubbie woke up first and we both ended up looking up theatre tickets on line. I'm a bit obsessed with kiddie theatre at the moment and am spending a small fortune booking lots of shows to take Ethan to! We ended up loosing track of time and Ethan slept for well over 2 hours till 5pm! Oops!

As a result we didn't even try to get him off to bed at the usual time but I was impressed he was tucked up asleep for 8.30pm. We might well pay for the late nap tomorrow morning though! Fingers crossed he doesn't wake too early.

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