Quiet, but Sunny

Laying low because of the stem cell therapy. Once I got down the stairs, I stayed down. I have a new appreciation for running up and down the stairs! And a goal of working out my upper body....boy do I feel weak! And my upper body is sore and stiff! Humbling! 

But I feel great, a bit tired, no more pain. It was beautiful out today, so at one point I stood at the open door and smelled the lovely air. I have a rolling stool that I can scoot around the kitchen, which makes me feel useful while staying off my leg. 

A quiet, indoor blip today of an orchid that I've had for a very long time - my very first orchid that I bought in Massachusetts in 2005 and moved to Portland, on the airplane. And here it is, happily sitting on my window still, blooming once again.

Thanks so much for all of your very kind thoughts and words about my knee! I'm so excited to see how it feels in time!

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