
By Swingler

Feet in there somewhere

Woke up this morning to a blanket of white. I knew it was forecast but last night I went to sleep to heavy rain so didn't expect anything the have settled. It's snowed basically none stop all day.

The boys were sent home early from school so got to join many other kids taking their daily exercise in the form of building snowmen and sledging. Ive been working most of today so only had brief moments outside with them but fun none the less. To be honest I think I prefer enjoying the beauty of it whilst remaining warm and dry inside!

(Lots of people not turning up for vaccines today though - presumably because they just couldn't get there in the snow. But it means Peter got to go and get his early to avoid them going to waste as did one of our neighbours. I fancied turning up and hoping they jab me too)

- beautiful snow
- homemade flapjack
- seeing Alex, C and T (we're in a short term support bubble with some of neighbours who have an 8 month old - I had them over for the first time today. Very surreal for then to be in our house and to be holding a baby - it's been a while)

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