Woke up to a white world. About three or four centimetres of snow. I suppose I should have rushed out and photographed it but I stayed in and kept warm instead. The street was quite slushy and it wasn't freezing but just when I was thinking of going out, Linda phoned so I settled down for a long chat instead. Afterwards I realised I'd done nothing about dinner so got the slow cooker in action then braved the snow, cleared my car and my stretch of the pavement. Found I had no rock salt when I was convinced I had loads but I had table salt to spare. Nobody seems to clear their pavement any more. Andy and I are the only two. Glad I did though as the snow is still there and may have frozen by tomorrow. Ordered a big bag of salt and grit just in case.
Photography was through the kitchen window but I was lucky with the goldfinches. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
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