Out Of Office

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

I went into the office today. To be honest, it wasn't worth it. Most people are not yet back from holidays* and the place was like a tomb.

So I had a pretty quiet day of squinting at spreadsheets. It was ok. But my mood was not helped by getting this picture from Caro who had decided to move her office outdoors. 

She was out there all day long. Even the cats got fed up and went inside, but she was there from 11am to 6pm listening to her "Elton and Rod" playlist on Alexa, over and over. 

You'll be glad to hear that she put up the umbrella and applied sunscreen. I think the only reason she came in as dusk fell was that the bugs were starting to bite. 

And then it was the usual round of feeding all the little creatures. Marms the Cat, Tortie the Cat and the hedgehogs. 

And once again, fairly late in the evening, two big hedgehogs got into a fight. I tried to break it up but they were REALLY feisty! I'm used to them running away when I go out there but the aggressive one refused to leave his mate alone. I had to give him a little shove with my foot!

The "victim" hedgehog un-curled himself after about 10 minutes and had a big plate of food. But I think I'm going to have to get the gardening gloves out of the garage if Mike Tyson Hedgehog keeps this up.


* You have to bear in mind that it's not only Xmas/New Year, it's also Summer, so most Kiwis take a month off. 

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