I assume this was not built as a Christadelphian Hall, as such. An interesting corner building.
I took my car to have two tyres replaced. Whilst waiting, the very efficient and patient chap in charge dealt with one of "those" phone calls. Of course I could only hear one side:
"An oil leak? It depends on exactly what is wrong. We may need to order-in a part. If you could bring the car in we could have a look for you."
"As I say, it all depends what needs doing. Perhaps you could drop the car off for us to check it out."
"Well, I can't really say unless we can have a look at the problem. Could you perhaps bring the car in for us?"
"As I said sir, the best thing would be for us to check the problem and see if a part needs ordering."
“OK, so if you could bring the car in, we'll have a look at it and advise you?”
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