A change

Too much binging on Spiral made for a poor night’s sleep so we were a bit later getting going this morning for our 5 or 6 mile walk on the other side of the valley.

I say 5 or 6 miles - we had to do so many detours and it took far longer than usual due to the conditions. So much snow had melted but left running water on hard packed snow. I wore my spiders on my boots but one broke, luckily after this slithery part of the road up to Whittonhillhead. After that it was down through fields to Tosson. I kept stumbling over molehills - explaining to mountain rescue that the reason I’d had an injury was because I’d tripped over a molehill would have been a first. On our way down to the river we went by Katy and Colin’s. He was checking his camper van so we had a chat.

It started to rain just as we climbed up the hill home. I was quite tired when we got back. Not a long walk but tricky. A hot bath and a slice of toast with avocado and tomatoes sorted me out.

ArcLight told me yesterday’s blip of my sunset would be on the popular page - I have never looked at that bit but I will now. Thank you for your hearts and stars. It was nature and my iPhone and no photographic skills on my part were required.

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