
By ayearinthelife

I Fought The Law

...and the law won!
Grey and miserable in town this morning and whilst I was waiting for Mrs C to pick up our coffees from Cafe Nero, I noticed there was a traffic warden on patrol. Not sure what the logic was behind this because no one is supposed to be out and about in their cars anyway!
However.......there seemed to be quite a few who were not only out and about, but also prepared to park in pedestrian areas, bus stops and on double yellow lines! One or two had tried to set a cloaking device by turning on their hazard warning lights, but this enforcer was not to be fooled by such tricks.
But credit where credit is due. In most cases the owner would appear within a few minutes once they saw the traffic warden. A brief exchange would follow (presumably a pointing out of the error of their ways) and the car would then be moved without a ticket being issued. Illegally parked car moved on, no penalty to pay, paperwork avoided and therefore both sides feel they have come out on top.
After a ten minute wait for someone to appear, it was obvious that whoever had parked this particular car in Market Place was either staying well hidden or was not coming back any time soon. And thus a ticket was issued. Totally deserved in my opinion and I wasn’t alone in thinking that way if the smiles from the other passers by were anything to go by!
With the entertainment over for the day, it was time to finish the coffees and set off home. No matter how grey the day, it seems there is always something of interest happening in Kendal!

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