Saturday stroll

Still not windy.. so nice, but so unusual here in Furness. 

Up to AH to walk Fletch. Normally only us, but to day quite a few dog walkers passing through. In fact a lot of people out and about walking today, obviously taking advantage of the (relatively) mild weather and  staying close to home.. as required by this lockdown. 
I think I can cope if we dont have days and days of grey miserable weather but I doubt if we'll be that lucky. 

Oops oh dear I seem to ordered another lens..a nifty 50 on  special offer. I promised M I'd take some 'portrait' shots of his bonsai.. a good project for the wet days we will be having. 

I did have a browse on the wool website. Saw a lovely pattern but the unusual yarn is discontinued ... probably just as well.

Take care everyone xx

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