Flower Friday

A bit of a cheat for Flower Friday. My apologies Biker Bear. 

But the photo is taken today. It's a page off my Photo Book which arrived today. This year I spent more time with the layout and was pleased with the result! 

Snow in a lot of the county but here on the coast it felt quite mild . No wind and a watery sun. A good long walk round the park and a detour to the Ups drop off point to collect a parcel , then a nip down to Tesco. 

As it was Friday afternoon I expected it to be busy but it was very quiet! Quite pleasant to stroll round and shop. Perhaps everyone is staying at home and ordering online. 

Generally a quiet day otherwise. Sat looking at knitting patterns. Almost finished the current jumper  and I need something else to knit. A shame I dont have scores of relations I could knit for!

10 years this week that we brought Fletch home . Drove over from Pendle in thick snow. . Doesnt seem that long ago. Time really  does fly!

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