next stage
As we watched insurgents attack the US Capitol we all asked how they were able to get through. We knew for weeks that there would be protesters there. We knew they were plotting to bring guns. The Mayor knew to ask everyone to stay away from DC for two days and to ask for the National Guard.
In the meantime, there was a bomb threat (no actual bomb) in the Michigan state capitol, skirmishes in Utah, armed protesters in Arizona, and armed protesters on the governor's lawn in Washington state. My focus was on Georgia and DC so I didn't notice. But I think it is still fair to say that the insurgents are inept cowards and the violence sporadic. The violence in DC was not easily handled but the big question is why not?
Make up several outlandish theories that really stretch credulity. It sounds like everything you just made up might be simultaneously true.
Meanwhile, one of the capitol police members has died from being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher.
Also, many House members were forced to be indoors, in close proximity, for an extended period of time, with Republican lawmakers who refused to wear masks even though they were begged to.
12 more days
For some reason I am now less worried about nuclear war during those 12 days than I have been for the past four years. I felt this before learning that Pelosi spoke to Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, about it.
You ever take a picture of deer and, while looking through the eyepiece, hear something to your left?
and ignore it because you're taking a picture?
and again hear something to your left?
and ignore it because you're taking a picture?
and again hear something to your left?
and decide that maybe you should actually look to see what it is....
and see deer to your left?
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