Abstract day

Foggy this morning but didnt seem too cold .. we must be getting used to it. It certainly helps that theres no wind. A misty walk up to the sea wall.. very few people about today. 

Felt a bit bored when we got back. I could have got the Hoover out ( should do really ) but didnt. In the end got out the camera and had a play around with a pile of wool which was left over from the rainbow tunic.  Then spent half an hour unravelling it all as it was all tangled up.

Sat and watched the news , what with Brexit problems, Covid and looking at what had happened in Washington , I wondered why I bothered. 

One good point, our part of town has the lowest rate of cases . Let's hope they start to reduce in other areas.

 Death in Paradise cheered me up. Silly story lines but who cares.. oh the colours of that Caribean sea... sigh! Brings back memories of some good holidays. Ah well!

Stay safe everyone 

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