Snowy start

When I got up to run this morning I didn’t at first see that it was snowing... for about a second I considered not going and then went anyway and I’m so pleased I did. It was lovely.

Despite what some might think, running on fresh snow provides perfect conditions. No ice, it’s not slippery and it’s actually quite pretty. So, 7 miles under my belt I arrived home and then got the kids up for ‘school’.

They got on well with their work and I had a busy day too and we were all thankful that week 1 is done and it’s the weekend. Over dinner we discussed what we might do over the weekend to keep ourselves amused.
My daughter wants to practice make up on me, my son wants to built a model boat. I will run my weekly half marathon tomorrow and no doubt there will be walking the pup.

I hope you have all had a lovely Friday x

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