
One of the worst kind of winter days. Sleet and snow continuously. Sometimes the snow settled and sometimes it was just wet. So cold and so dreary. And all the news is bad too. Hibernation away from it all seems like a wonderful idea, but I will just hide away with my books. 

Anyway we had fun this morning trying to do online grocery shopping at Sainsbury's - for the first time. We hadn't a clue and it took ages. I had to go through the registration bit and eventually was allowed to shop. I couldn't find anything, they didn't seem to have things that I know they have in store, I don't like being bombarded with 'special offers' and 'you might like this'. I didn't like it at all. I managed in the end,  but couldn't get a delivery slot until a week hence. And I had problems trying to checkout. What I have realised is that I actually like food shopping and I like supermarkets, well certain ones anyway. I like browsing and making choices. I like comparing product ingredients and prices, I keep a close watch on use by dates. This was an experiment and I am not sure I will be doing it again. Our daughter will laugh when I tell her, as she does all her shopping online and does it within minutes - I've watched her. 

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