Buried in the Snow, Mired in the Mud

This golf cart sits in my neighbor's backyard, and hasn't been moved in a couple of years. I mow her lawn, and I have to mow around it.

Quite a day in our nation's capitol, eh? I've said before that I'm neither a Republican or a Democrat, but...we...need...to...move...away...from...this...man...this...president. He is full of only himself, is delusional, and is at the top of the worst losers list in the history of mankind. And, to call the ones who stormed the Capitol today "good people" is beyond shocking.

Using the golf cart picture, I hope Mr. Trump retires to one of his golf courses, and is never heard from again. Or, maybe he can retire to Mar-a-lago, and work on his orange sheen.

I'm sorry for this, but the man makes me want to swear, and I try to never swear. Only 14 days left of this "presidency", and it can't come soon enough.

Rant over. Let's get on with it.

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