The Morning Paper

Snapped at the station this morning in the glorious sunshine.

Things I like about this picture: The composition works well and I like the shape and shadow of the figure being in a straight line.

Things I don't like so much: Perhaps just too bright and contrasty. More of the same old silhouette street shots at an angle into the sun ... must break out ... OK, from today I'm banning myself from shots like this for a month.

Well it was this or a close up of a snail!

Yesterday's broken glass problem mainly resolved after a few of us called the Council. A pretty good service, although I think they must have employed a blind man to sweep up...

I got such a pleasant suprise at yesterday's BlipBlog - feel very honoured :-)

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LOTD: Dark|Adapted's Ikea at the gates of hell - great shot and vision and very funny too if you know what Ikea is like. Once you're in you are lost......

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