
By 42

What's up doc?

It didn't start well ... with going to work to find that some little b*&tard had set fire to the recycling bin that our neighbour had kindly put out last night. It was quite impressively melted all over the pavement and the hedge has a bin shaped burn/scorch mark now. I'm just glad that it wasn't next to the house!

On top of that it was a crappy weather day.

The highlight was the Antoine de Caunes sound alike announcer at Haymarket station: "Ze aytein tventy-two to bazzgayte will leeve from platform fur". Brilliant. Only in the UK would you get a Frenchman trying to pronounce Linlithgow :-)

This backlit doc leaf is the best I could muster today. I like the way it almost looks like its being unzipped.

Late news: Came home to find out from our neighbour that the police had caught the perpetrator as they happened to be coming round the corner at the time he was just warming his hands :-) Apparently he's going to get done for fire razing!

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LOTD: The Will or the Wont's bridge reflection blip is a classy composition. And I'm jealous of the blue sky!

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