Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Off the wall

Wisdom on the side of a local office block. Not quite sure what the two figures are up to ‘though; he reminds me a little of John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.

Damn now I have the Bee Gees in my head. Night fever, night fever ...

A mostly leisured day although I got nine thousand steps in and did plenty of domestics. 

Scout went to the vet about his fat lips, which are due to allergies apparently. He has lost four pounds although is still very overweight, particularly when you take into account he only has three legs. We are bad parents and he has an addiction to Dreamies. Dangerous combo. 

Read a lot today, which was really nice. Lots of good stuff in The Guardian Weekly, including the Brexit story of a man who rang into one of Nigel Farage’s radio shows and said he switched from being a remainer to a leave voter after being kicked in the head by a horse. Oh the irony.

Family Covid conference tonight. We now have a plan. General consensus is that this lockdown will probably continue through to late February or March...

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