Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Call me old fashioned ...

 ... but I do like a decent bit of Victorian crime on a dull winter’s afternoon. “Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective” is an immersive game with ten crimes to solve, but don’t ask me about the game play - we spent an hour reading the rules and listening to a lecture by the great man on methods and use of informants. After that we were too tired to start the game itself. Tomorrow maybe.

I enjoyed the great ritual of Dump The Christmas Tree today, along with many others. Had to queue for twenty minutes to get into the local tip and then do battle with everyone else for parking space. Other people seemed to be enjoying themselves, chatting to each other about their christmases and trading new year stories. Far too much bonhomie for me, I had already done Sainsbury’s and had housework to look forward to. Bah Humbug.

Most of the household has been a bit low today with the exception of the irrepressible Strider. It’s part of the tail end of our Christmas and New Year rollercoaster. Tonight I feel cold, achy, headachy and have a cough. I have decided to feel sorry for myself and go to bed with a good book or a bit of Netflix at an absurdly early hour and come out fighting again tomorrow. Sometimes the duvet is the only solution my dear Holmes ...

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