
By stevenhouse

Cherry Trunk

Here we are. Still haven't seen the sun this year and lockdown over there in the UK means my Mum won't be able to see her son for a few more months yet. Humph. Thanks you incompetents!

Meanwhile I have at least managed to do some winter work in the garden. Winter pruning (not the Cherry - they get done straight after fruiting) but the apples, pears and plums. I've also put a sticky thing around the trunks - apparently stops a certain type of flightless moth climb the trunk to lay eggs which will hatch out and burrow into the fruit. I've sprayed too. It's all organic! That's French for ineffectual I think :)

If you're dealing with Lockdown 3 then all my sympathies. Let's hope they stick it out so it at least becomes effective in slowing things down. Unfortunately I have little hope that the UK Gov't will be any more competent in the vaccine distribution either. Half-wits.

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