Kitten News

Rani & Chaiyya had to go to the vet today. After lots of meowing we arrived, to find out I was not allowed inside the practice anymore, but had to hand the cats over to an assistant and wait outside a window for the vet to appear and talk to me.

Rani got her vaccination shot, both were examined and the surgery date confirmed (they will be spayed on the 20th, hoping Rani won't be in heat again at the time). Then I agreed to have some blood tests done for Chaiyya. We wanted to see if she is okay, because she had a liver inflammation when she was little.

She is not okay. One of the liver function tests shows very abnormal levels, so I am supposed to give her pills now.

They gave me huge pills meant for dogs, which need to be cut in half (the pills, not the dogs). But she can't swallow them in one go. I tried pulverizing them and mix the powder into food or milk - it seems to taste vile. I'll try pipetting next. For now, we both need a break.

But I've already ordered a much smaller version of the same pill, which should be much easier to give to a young cat. Let's hope she'll take those and get better soon...

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