The obituary of the Shard was premature

Im a day out of step with my Blips because of restrictions so my Blip was shot yesterday. I am hopefully I will be back in sync within the next couple of days.

I have searched around for another building to take over from the Shard but not having much luck so is this image foretelling the closing of the Shard story or continuing the story. Watch this space.

The extra is for the tenth day of Christmas and the Lords a leaping. It adds colour to a dark and dismal day. Well Rob you wondered how I was going to do this so here is an image of London's Lord Mayor at his Show in November 2019 plus two photo bombers. Only two more left and tomorrow is for Scotland.

For those in the UK I started to watch the Andrew Marr programme this morning. After 10 minuets it was clear that chaos prevailed with the school situation tomorrow. My optimism for the new year was being steadily drained so I switched off. I thought if you wanted to get an agreed way forward you got the various stakeholders around a table and thrashed out an agreed way forward hopefully well before the opening date.. Oh how naive I am.

Why can't the clowns prioritise front line staff to receive the vaccinations. Still cannot believe this has not happened.

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