On the High Weald Landscape Trail

Another leisurely morning as we stayed up again until well after 12.30 having watched the last part of the 1997 Runrig concert at Stirling Castle after Susan came back from helping her mother get into bed.

We travelled down to Tenterden as has become customary on a Saturday to walk in the beautiful countryside around the town. As has also become customary, we had a coffee sitting in the churchyard of St Mildred’s. The bakers had run out of scones, so I bought a fruit loaf which I had to cut with a plastic fork I had in my rucksack.

The day was mostly drab and overcast with light rain at times. However, during the walk the clouds lifted and we were treated to an hour of late afternoon sunshine which lit up the fresh green fields and darkened the distant skies. We both liked this shot of the track and seed drills disappearing towards the horizon.

We rounded off the day with a lovey FaceTime with our friend from Whitby, Ontario. She may be reading this as I sent her the link to my journal. I first met Marion in 1981 when we lived in Ontario for a year (Oshawa to be precise) on an education exchange when I taught at Pickering High School. I’ve known Marion for 40 years now which makes her one of my oldest friends. Great days and great memories. And yes, in the same area as Whitby there was also Scarborough!

Great dinner tonight, Jamie Oliver’s cheats fish a d chips!

The extra is a primula, or so Susan thinks, growing adjacent to where we sat in the churchyard to enjoy the coffee and fruit loaf.

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