Wistful walk

It was cold and I was feeling a bit ‘meh’ and ‘cba’ but we decided to have another walk (what else is there?). I was recommended a good website called ‘fancy free walks’ and we are working our way through the list. Today we walked from Shoreham to Lullingstone. The weather was grey but we passed some sights that I have earmarked of worthy of a return walk when the weather is warmer. There are acres of lavender fields and I’m sure they look and smell much better in the summer months. I would also like to visit the Roman Villa at Lullingstone ( last visited circa 1968 when I was at Junior School). I remember the mosaic floor being interesting. Hopefully when pubs are back open we can top off our walk with a pub lunch.

Part of the walk today skirted a golf course and this picture is of my husband looking wistfully at the green. The weather has not been kind to golfers over the last few weeks - too wet and muddy. Hopefully it will
Improve soon - I need some time on my own!!

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