
At the turning of the year, one can’t help but think about the past year and all it brought. The pandemic was a surprise and it soon became a very serious situation. It turned day to day living upside down, destroyed many lives and livelihoods and we are most certainly not out of the woods yet. I recognise that we were some of the fortunate ones - we had no job or economic insecurities, we were able to spend lockdown in a lovely, quiet place with a big house and garden. We missed travelling about, but we did get a holiday in South Africa and time away later in the year. We have missed seeing our family, but we had a lovely time with them in the summer, here and in Cornwall. I have no problem with being confined to home and have had the gift of time to get on with all the things I love doing. Yes, we were the lucky ones. Others have had an awful year, full of fear and worry and loss. Let’s hope, for them especially, 2021 brings relief and joy. 

Then there is the sadness that many of us feel today - the first day of our separation from Europe. For others it is a time of celebration, as we have apparently gained something from it. Our leader says we have a great future because of what he has done. I wonder when this ‘great future’ will begin. I am not holding my breath, just feeling sad. I was pondering this as I listened to the New Year’s Concert from Vienna - held as usual, no audience, but with many European nations listening in. 

So we turn the calendar and wander into 2021, not knowing what to expect, but just hoping for things to get a little better, or at least that we can put something into our diaries! 

Sending my best wishes for the New Year to everyone. 

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